Amofia 有機濕疹舒敏膏 (產品專利1710-9933.2) - Organic baby smoothing balm 50g


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Amofia 有機濕疹舒敏膏 8-42285-100132

嬰兒, 小童, 大人, 蠶豆症(G6PD患者)適用 適用於: 濕疹傾向, 敏感性皮膚, 主婦手, 汗疹, 尿布疹肌膚, 修復皮膚屏障功能, 舒緩乾燥, 粗糙, 痕癢 其他用途: 面部及身體深層滋潤, 皮膚爆裂, 昆蟲咬傷, 驅蚊蟲, 舒壓 We apply the balm when there's onset of skin problems, like dry skin, eczema, rash, dermatitis, insect bites, diapers rash, cradle cap etc. It soothes our babies from the itch and prevents from the further scratching.