ChuChu PPSU 150ml / 5oz 奶瓶 ChuChu PPSU 150ml / 5oz milk bottle


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ChuChu PPSU 150ml / 5oz 奶瓶

ChuChu PPSU 150ml / 5oz milk bottle

日本製造 Made in Japan

日本ChuChuBaby專售幼兒用品、 生活日用品 、護膚品 、計生用品(藥品除外)、衛生保健品等。

ChuChuBaby from Japan manufactures sales of medicine, over-the-couter drug, medical equipment, cosmetics, nursery item, and articles related to life.

1) 採用不含環境荷爾蒙之新原料PPSU塑膠製造

2) 奶瓶傾側亦不會傾瀉

3) 不易碎裂,輕巧耐用

4) 可用沸水、蒸氣煲、藥液或微波爐方式消毒

5) 附 Super Cross Cut 矽膠十字奶嘴

New material that does not contain environment hormone Polyphenyl sulfone bottle(PPSU)