Chuchu Super Cross Cut Silicon nipple - 3psc / 柔軟型矽膠著狀態製奶咀 (3個入)


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Chuchu Super Cross Cut Silicon nipple/柔軟型矽膠著狀態製奶咀

蛇腹狀,更像媽媽乳房的觸感 按吸吮力度奶咀自然伸展 特別設計環狀凸紋奶咀, 令觸感更真柔軟 厚度均一, 能按BB吸力自然伸展,令吃奶感覺更似母乳 適合任何月齡BB使用 不吸吮時不會出奶, 不會嗆到BB 奶瓶傾斜時亦不會漏奶 矽膠奶咀堅韌耐用 Circular bulge brings breast-like soft touch Even thickness circular shape provides stretchability like real nipple One size is OK for all ages of babies No milk leakage which feeding or milk bottle is titled Silicon nipple is durable and tough